Our Initiatives

Family Caregiving of Older Persons in Southern Africa

Special issue on ‘Family Caregiving of Older Persons in Southern Africa’ with the International Journal of Care and Caring with a publication date expected in Feb 2023

African Studies Annual Association

COPSAN hosted a symposium and panel at the African Studies Annual Association which took place at UCT in April 2022

World Congress International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics

COPSAN members participated in a panel symposium at the World Congress International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics in June 2022

CDPCDS UN in Kenya

Our members have presented to the UNFDP and at the CDPCDS UN in Kenya. ‘‘Policies that address older persons, the family and intergenerational relations in sub-Saharan Africa’ at a meeting in Nairobi with the Capacity Development and Partnerships Coordination Section (CDPCS) Division for Inclusive Social Development | Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations